Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am thankful...

...That my boys have each other and are really bonding. That they actually WANT to sit next to each other at dinner time - and NEXT to each other at our house means your chairs have to be touching.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's coming...

Ok, for those of you that I've told. I'm hoping to get more posts done on my blog in 2009 and what a better way to do it then by overkill :) My goal for December is to post 25 times! The boys and I have been working on an advent calendar and I plan to blog each night about what they do from their advent calendar. We don't plan on spending any money - I've come up with some super simple ideas that they will love. Lucky for me, my kids are usually easy to please! So... stay tuned - many, many updates to come.

Reid's 5 year checkup

Well, we didn't get any pictures but Reid did have his 5 year checkup yesterday - which included 5 shots - poor guy! He screamed while they gave them to him but he did recover pretty quickly. He would milk it when asked but he didn't really complain much. He got an Ironman sticker from the lady at the drs office, a dum dum sucker, a milkshake from Sonic and then a toy from Toys R Us. I guess we did plenty to reward him for being such a big boy.

And a big boy he is! He weighed 41 pounds. He was in the 50th percentile on height and 75th on weight. He answered every question on the developmental questionaire just fine (and they seemed SUPER easy for a 5 year old!) He had to know 4 basic colors, 5 basic animals, stand on one leg, etc... I almost laughed when the nurse asked us if he could count to 10 - he's been showing off by counting to 100 a lot lately.

Ryan got the flu vaccine as the nasal mist which was nice and mom took a flu shot in the arm like a champ (but it is a bit sore)...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had a fabulous Halloween! The weather was perfect, the boys were way into it, and they were very well behaved. Reid was a marine and Ryan was a fighter pilot but said he was a marine. The Star Wars guy is our new neighbor, Eli, whom the boys absolutely love. The Power Ranger is our neighbor, Jack, who was over visiting with the boys before the trick or treating began. Eli's dad, Matt, sat in the driveway with Russ and handed out candy while Carmen took the three boys Trick or Treating. Attached are some pictures of the jack-o-lantern Russ did "with" the boys, some of the boys posing (although Ryan wasn't into a group picture unfortunately), and one of the boys in the bath with their sugar high at the end of the night. It was the most PG bath picture I had but they were crazy!