For example:
Reid is a lover, he hugs and kisses us all the time. Ryan - good luck getting either. He usually tells me that they are in Alyssa's car.
Reid typically likes to follow the rules and be good. Ryan - not so much. He wants to do things his way and though he doesn't "like" time out - it just doesn't phase him as much... he's not nearly as sensitive.
He is what he is... and we love him. He's definitely been a challenge but he is just so stinking cute :) And we hear that a lot! Born with a full head of long dark hair, he's now our blonde boy with the darkest brown eyes. Ryan has actually matured a lot in the last couple of months. He does better when he is one on one with mom or dad (or quite frankly - away from mom). I guess I can admit it, although it's hard... he behaves a lot better when I am not around. I certainly get on him and make him follow the rules but he just acts better when he's with dad. He's also turned into quite a daddy's boy in the last month. He asks about dad almost every morning when he wakes up, he likes to be with dad when he's not tired or needy... then he chooses mom. He would much rather be in dad's truck than mom's van (even if I do have the dvd player). Ryan has never really been into tv much. Over the summer he has developed a fondness of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse which he will watch every now and then but he doesn't zone out like Reid does. Ryan will still play when the tv is on and any other shows - he's not usually interested AT ALL!
Oh yes... AT ALL. Ryan started saying that about a month ago too - and it hasn't stopped. I don't like that AT ALL. I'm not tired AT ALL. We hear it about 100 times a day :) He likes to tell me in the mornings that he doesn't like Beth's house AT ALL (which we know isn't true - cause he's been having a great time being one of the big boys there). He just doesn't worry about hurting people's feelings much.
The last two nights Ryan has been really into doing his "homework" as Reid has been working on his. He knows a couple of his letters - R, M, J, A, B at least. Last night the sheet asked him to circle the smallest or largest of certain items and he was able to do all of it - proud mama :) He also really wanted to cut pictures out of a magazine because that is what Reid had to do the night before. I had to take pictures (below). Ryan is not a fan of having his picture taken (below) but he did let me take pictures of his scissors that he was using to practice cutting with - hee hee - I'm tricky!
Ryan's homework pages (hard to see but if you click on the picture you'll see that he got them all right):
Pictures from Ryan doing his "homework" and practicing cutting with scissors:
This is what I usually get when I try and take Ryan's picture - these are from Reid's first day of kindergarten - wasn't about to get a picture of them together :(