Thursday, February 25, 2010
A good day... except one little bump
4 months old...
This was the best picture I got but of course it's blurry because I was having to work to get the smiles :)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Happy "early" Birthday Hockey Ross!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Winter Classic... Atoms Style
Reid had an end of the season tournament this weekend at the Carriage Club in KC. It is an outdoor rink up by the plaza. The rink itself is pretty neat, being outside, but it was COLD! He played Saturday night in the 40s which wasn't too bad. Russ and Reid went to that game while I stayed home with Ross and Ryan. On Sunday, Grandma Cella came down to stay with the little two so I could go watch Reid's last games. He played two games in 20 degree weather. He was one of very few kids on the team that weren't either crying or complaining that they were too cold. He didn't think it was that bad... but mom did! I'm pretty sure I could have thrown a few temper tantrums standing on the side and watching but it was really fun to see. The team has come so far from their first few games. Reid kind of just skated around his first couple of games trying not to fall down, which he did a lot. Now, he gets the game more and is getting much more aggressive. He likes to play goalie and defense so dad has been working with him and talking with him on strategy and where to position on the ice depending on where the play is, etc.
Our entire team likes to play goalie at the moment so they all take turns. Reid seems to get plenty of turns playing it and really does attack the puck when the play is there. Here's an action shot of him in goal:
Here is an action shot of Russ dropping the puck for a face off. Russ is one of the more "active" coaches. Our team has FOUR dads on the ice skating around during the games. As you can see in the pictures, some hang back more than others. Russ tries to skate along telling the kids where they should be in position as well as keeping the puck in play, etc. Such a good coach!!
Reid's pretty easy to spot in this photo - he's right in the action. He's got the white helmet. There are too kids on Reid's team with white helmets - #46 (Reid) and #16. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of a white helmet and a 6 and then I have to do a double take to see if it is Reid or not.
Here are some action shots of Reid that really require no explanation:
Here's one of Reid lined up and dad right there with him helping him watch the play and stay focused.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
How to start cereal with an infant
Simple Disclaimer: I'm not really an expert on feeding an infant cereal, I just thought it would be a cute way to write up my blog. Although, after having three boys now, I can honestly say that this method works for me.
Ross has not been sleeping well. He got up three times a night almost every night last week. I typically start my kids on rice cereal around the time they turn four months old and it always helps them to sleep a little better. Since Ross is turning four months old in 11 days, I decided on Saturday night that we would start some cereal. Here's our process:
Step One: Make sure that you have a single grain cereal on hand. I believe rice is a good one to start with. Do not use the pre-mixed baby food jar type of rice cereal yet- it is too thick for starters. Pick a night that is relaxed, not rushed, and you can be patient with your baby. I prefer to start feeding my babies at night time so I have a little extra time and can take advantage of the full belly to help get some extra sleep at night.
Step two: Make a bottle and feed your baby half of what he usually eats or enough that he is still a little hungry but satisfied enough that he's not going to get frustrated because he's hungry.
Step three: Pour some flakes into a bowl with an infant spoon. The best spoons are small tipped and completely rubber, semi-flexible and soft.
Step four: Dump the remainder of the bottle into the flakes so that the consistency of the rice cereal is very runny. (As your baby gets used to eating you can make the cereal thicker but this will make it easier for him to catch on).
You do NOT need to make that much cereal. The serving that I have made in the step four picture is enough to feed several infants, I just had a helper and made a bit too much.
Now take your time and feed your baby. Most of what goes in will continue to come out. Use the spoon to clean up his mouth with everything that keeps coming out and stick it back in. He won't eat "much" but he will continue to swallow some with each spoonful. Continue to feed him until he gets bored, frustrated, or uninterested and then give it a rest until the next night.
I had a helper Saturday night... not an essential step but I wanted to share the picture :)
All cleaned up and happy. Ross swallowed more than I expected and was happy through the whole "meal". After he ate his cereal, he nursed and went to bed. I'm happy to report that he went to bed somewhere around 8:00 and slept until 1:30. He only got up ONE time Saturday night. I woke him up at 6:00 to feed him before I left for a run and he then slept again until after 9:00. Great night!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Another big milestone for Reid...
(ok, so I was looking for an older picture and got carried away reminiscing... back to the point)
Monday, February 8, 2010
We got off work early on Friday to beat the traffic home as it was snowing... AGAIN! This was a heavy wet snow and it was 32 degrees so it wasn't too brutal cold. I picked up the boys and when we got home Russ was out shoveling the driveway off. The boys wanted to help him so they got their little red shovels out and went to work. After a while Ryan got bored with shoveling and he and dad starting making a snowman - which Ryan has wanted to do all winter. This was a good snow for it! I got out the snowman kit that grandma Cella got us years ago and my camera. By now I was cold and not interested in helping :) A snowbunny I am not! I long for the days of shorts and tanktops, bike riding, driveway socializing with neighbors... but I digress.
They made their snowman and even posed for some great pictures for me!! Ryan and I headed in after a while and Reid and dad stayed out a while longer to play. (Reid did drop one red shovel down the sewer - darn it - and even wanted me to climb down and get it for him... No, I did not!)