Thursday, March 31, 2011

My three boys (getting so big)

I wanted a new picture of the three boys together so last night I attempted it. There was no way I was going to get them out of their pajamas or get Ryan to put a shirt on but I like what I ended up with:

But what does it take to get such a picture? LOTS of outtakes and bribes:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More on our goodbye

Hockey Ross is leaving Wednesday morning. We grilled out last night, played soccer and baseball in the backyard and then played some Monopoly Deal (one of our favorite things to do). We had a really, really great night. We're going to have some barbecue tonight and then Reid has hockey practice so we knew we wouldn't have much time together tonight.This morning when I woke Ryan up for daycare I told him that tonight was our last night with Hockey Ross because he's leaving tomorrow. Ryan says, "And then we get Ovechkin?" (note for my mom - Ovechkin is like the best player in the NHL). I don't know where he got that idea but apparently the only obvious "replacement" for Hockey Ross would be Ovechkin, right?

We've told both of the big boys that Ross is leaving. I'm not sure they "really" get it but I know they will notice the difference once he's gone. Baby Ross is in that stage of saying new words every day and repeating every sound. Yesterday as I was picking up our mail at the end of the cul-de-sac Ross got home from playing softball. As his car pulled up I said... "oh, there's Hockey Ross" and Baby Ross repeated 'Hockey Ross'... both words, not many consonants. I tried all night to get him to repeat it again but he didn't.

Edited to add pics. Due to a North Dakota blizzard we actually got to keep Ross one more night and he left Thursday morning. That allowed us to have one more Wednesday night Survivor night as a family. Here are some pics that we took in the morning when he left. Unfortunately Ryan didn't want his picture taken so we didn't push (it was early morning). And I swear I am not that short... we're on a hill - I should have stood on the other side of Ross :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

A tough post...

We're saying good-bye to Hockey Ross very soon. It is becoming so apparent that the end is near! TOUGH does not even begin to describe it. Ross has been in our house for two years now. The boys expect him to come home every evening. I count on him for SOOO much. He and Russ are so close. He and the boys are so close. I can't even describe it.

Ross has done so much for our family...

* He was the one we woke up at 3 in the morning when I went into labor with baby Ross.
* He's always there to play knee hockey or wrestle around with the boys.
* He ALWAYS (still) thanks me for dinner.
* He notices things need done and he just does them (brings up trash cans, shovels the drive, picks up dishes, etc)

Ross has faced some serious adversity while staying with us. He made tough choices. His team has had a lot of bad news, tough breaks, long roads.... and Ross has faced it all very maturely. He is wise beyond his years and he is such a great guy.

Ross has been such a great example to the boys. I have NEVER heard Ross say an ill word towards or about someone else. He is so respectable of others and their feelings. He is not one to complain at all.

These pictures were just some I took on my phone on a random night last week. Many nights after dinner while I clean up the kitchen Ross goes out to the living room and wrestles around with the boys. On this night they were very silly and hyper and jumping all over him (and Russ). And while these aren't the greatest photos ever taken, they just make me smile. They remind me of the times we all just sat around and played with the boys.

The one thing we have always enjoyed about housing hockey players is when they take a true interest in our boys. We don't house just to be a hotel or supply a room and food. We feel like we get so much out of this adventure as the player does. We love when the players take the time to really take interest in the boys and play around with them. Ross always asks the boys about their interests. He not only follows Reid's hockey but he asks him about school, boy scouts, anything that he may be doing. He let's Ryan come down on the couch and sit RIGHT beside him in the basement whenever he wants. He keeps an eye on Ross when I'm busy or distracted and he's going for an outlet, climbing out of his high chair, etc.

He inspired us to name our third little guy Ross... (well, it sounded pretty good with Reid and Ryan)

There may not be anyone following the North American Draft closer than myself come May. While I know that Ross would love to play for the Bobcats in Bismarck (and I would be happy for him)... I've got my hopes set on Topeka or St Louis!

Hockey Ross - you will ALWAYS be a part of our family and always welcome in our home. We are going to miss you greatly. WE LOVE YOU!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Another Ryan story

Grandma Cella turned 57 last Saturday. At daycare on Friday Beth was asking Ryan how old grandma was. This is how the conversation went:

Beth: Ryan, how is old grandma going to be tomorrow?
Ryan: I think 18.
Beth: I don't think so. Hockey Ross is 18. Well, I'm ___, how old do you think Grandma is.
Ryan: Well... her boobs are bigger than yours.

HA HA. Yep, apparently that's how you decide how old people are in Ryan's mind. Just had to document this for the future so we can remind Ryan when he wants to date someone that's REALLY old ;)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Over the last week...

1. I ran 15 miles in a non-group setting! As in, I totally mapped out the course and made myself get out and do it. I dropped the kids off at daycare, parked the car and then ran home (7.5 miles). I had a friend meet me at home. I grabbed a drink and we ran back to my car (7.5 miles). I'm VERY glad that I had her for the second half of the run. It was to be a 16 mile run but the course that I had mapped out had a BRUTAL hill and I took it out by running through a Price Chopper parking lot and cutting off a half mile. I'm still counting it a success!

2. I ran solo on Friday because we went to Omaha for the weekend. We went down to watch Hockey Ross' team play for a birth into Central Districts. They were VERY physical games but the Stover team dominated. We stayed at the Coco Key Water Resort. The water park was fun for the oldest two boys. Ross didn't seem real thrilled with it. Hotels are still very thrilling for all of the boys so we had a lot of fun. Russ and I are willing to pay a little extra for convenience so we had a two room suite which allowed us to have our own room and the boys to still get to bed at a decent time. All three boys slept great, except for a small throw up situation on Saturday night with Reid. I believe he coughed too hard but he didn't mention to me that he didn't make it to the bathroom so I found it Sunday when I stepped in it... nice! I covered it up with hotel hand towels in my best 'Big Daddy' moment of the weekend.
* This picture is from the breakfast buffet at Omaha. Adults were $12 and kids were free. Russ had went to watch a hockey game so I took all three boys - we got our $12 worth!!

3. We came back from Omaha and Ross dropped at the top of the stairs. I thought he was just tired, unfortunately he was getting sick. He was miserable Sunday evening and all day Monday. He laid around not wanting to do much most of the day. We went to the dr and he tested negative for the flu... so unfortunately it was just a virus that they couldn't do anything for.

* These were Ross at the top of the stairs, almost asleep as soon as we got home from Omaha.

* I took this from my lap sometime on Monday... this is how he spent most of his day after sleeping 14 hours that night and napping an hour and a half Sunday evening :(

4. I stayed home with Ryan and Ross on Mon, Tues, and Wed morning. Ross was better on Tuesday and I wasn't feeling real well so that was a long, hard day!! Our daycare lady had a dr appt on Wed morning so we couldn't drop off until 11. You better believe that I was in her driveway waiting for her when she got home :)

* Feeling MUCH better on Tuesday. His favorite activity was climbing up and sitting on top of the kitchen table. The second picture was when I told him he couldn't be up there.

5. I didn't weigh in this morning since I was at home. I weighed in this afternoon up 1.6 pounds but that was after breakfast and a large Starbucks hot chocolate that I was getting regardless! I'm considering myself flat and pretty proud of that given that we ate crap all weekend and I have not worked out since my 15 miler.

6. Ryan has been REALLY good lately. I hope we're not jinxing it as Russ and I have talked about it a couple of times now but the whiney phases seem to be coming further and further apart and he's really maturing a lot. He even let me take his picture this morning:

My phone has become my main camera as of late. (I love my new phone!)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In

WINNER, WINNER! I guaranteed a two pound weight loss last week. It is a RARE day that I say I am going to do something and I don't do it... I'm VERY stubborn like that. (or reliable, that's much more positive, huh?) Anyway, I lost 3.4 pounds this week. That's right folks... I did it!

Carmen: -2.03%
The Cheater: -0.73%
The Lone Male: -0.50%
Mrs Consistent: 0.47%
Nancy Nazarene: 0.86%

Did I stick to my attempt at eating only whole foods though? Well, for one day! Seriously, you should try it? It is HARD! My diet was good for about three days and then it went down hill. Luckily I was able to squeeze in my 10 mile run and a few other runs and P90X workouts throughout the week.Speaking of runs, I went on a quick 4 mile solo run from work Wednesday afternoon. About 25 seconds into the run I took a little spill on the sidewalk outside of my office building. Luckily no one was around! I didn't want to walk back into the office just yet so I finished my 4 mile run and then went in begging for band-aids. We all had a good laugh at my "gracefulness" and I showered and cleaned up my hands. I realized then that I had ripped my BRAND NEW Under Armour jacket too... damn it. I JUST bought it in DC the week before.

The plan for this week calls for a trip to Omaha with snack foods, eating out, hockey and some plain old fashioned fun. BUT... before we hit the road, I have a planned 16 miler on Friday morning. Of course the weather forecast is now calling for rain and I have this run planned SOLO so we'll see how it goes - I'll let you know next week!

Some Updated Pics

I've not had my camera out much in the last couple of weeks. We have been BUSY (I know, typical excuse). I did get a new phone which takes "decent enough" pictures and I have snapped a few here and there. I took these pictures on Sunday after one of Hockey Ross' games while we were waiting for him to shower and come out after his game. His parents had just left for the long 13 hour drive back to Dickinson, ND that morning so I snapped some pics to send to his mom.

Reid got this sweatshirt for Christmas from Hockey Ross' family. He wore it all day Sunday... but with the hood up all day - he's such a clown!

Speaking of clowns... I told this one to pose for a picture for Simin (Ross' mom).

Ross was all over the place. The hockey game was insanely good so I made Ross sit still with me so by the time the game was over he was ready to be on the move!

Side note - if you are ever stuck on a long drive and are bored... I have a TON of great ways to entertain people - just ask Courtney. I make up all kinds of entertaining texts, pictures, phone calls!

Mom of the Year Award... slipping away

I thought I'd post some of my "finer" moments of the last week to make mother's everywhere feel better:

1. When I returned from my trip to DC Ross had gunk coming out of his eyes and they were matting when he slept. I picked him up from grandma's and took him to a walk-in clinic when we got back to Kansas City. Typically if I can't get into my doctor's office and it is "urgent" then I go to the Urgent Care at Children's Mercy (love that place!) I really didn't think this gunk could be deemed as urgent and it was mid-day so we just went to the walk in clinic. I filled out all of the paperwork since this was our first visit and waited to be called. When she called us up she asked if he had ever been seen anywhere in the Olathe medical system before. I told her that he was born there and our regular pediatrician is there. She couldn't find us in the system so she went to try another way. She was looking him up by his birthday which I had marked down as 10-26-09 which I was SURE was his birthday. She ended up finding him but his birthday was filed as 10-24-09. Hmmm... maybe that was right. Quick call to Grandma... yep - she was right. I had his
birthday wrong! And I swear I have been saying 10-26 for months! OOPS! (Sorry Ross!)

2. Later in the week I picked up Ryan from daycare and we got in the car. He puts on his seatbelt himself but I typically glance to ensure that he got it on. Apparently on this day I didn't look as we were almost home when I realized that he was sound asleep, sideways in his seat with no seat belt on. oops!

p.s. - notice the hole in his knee? This kid has a hole in almost every pair of pants that he owns now! When I say this kid is rough and energetic I am not exaggerating.