Our elementary school does music program's every other year - 1st, 3rd and 5th. Given that each of my children are three school years apart I will now have a music program to attend for the next SIX years but never more than one a year (yep, math nerd!).
Last night was Reid's 3rd grade program. It was titled "Get in the Game" and was all songs about sports and a PE class at school. It was cute and kept your attention for the short 40 minutes that it was. I've really tried to stop getting a babysitter for every little event that we have now that Ross is getting older so we took Ryan and Ross with us. Ryan played games on his phone throughout the program (he'd already seen the 2:00 matinee at school) and Ross was really into it. He loved clapping after each song and really listened well. I'm glad we saved the $20 - $30 and took them with us.
Reid had one speaking part and did pretty well at it. We had coached him at dinner to slow down and speak clearly. Most of the kids spoke so fast you couldn't understand what they said but Reid's line was pretty clear.
It wouldn't be a great music program without a treat (and school fundraiser) at Orange Leaf afterwards. In great McDowell fashion we made an exit plan (Russ took the little two to the van while I snagged Reid from the meetup spot) and we were the 2nd car out of the parking lot and to Orange Leaf, beating the crowds and keeping our sanity.