Tuesday, December 2, 2008

On the first day of Christmas...

We started our Advent Calendar last night. It's finally all painted - as well as we could do :) Reid got to open door number 1 because he cleaned his plate first and ate really well (tilapia, rice, peas and carrots).
We had really hyped up the Advent calendar so I was afraid that the simplicity of day one might have been a let down but they were really excited for it:

Day 1 - Read books by the fireplace

We did baths and put their flannel pajamas on and then they popped popcorn with dad and we all snuggled up by the fireplace and read some Christmas/Winter books. We read "Bear Stays Up for Christmas", "Snow what Fun" and "The Day Daddy Stayed Home." The Day Daddy Stayed Home had a note inside it from Grandma Cella. She gave this book to Reid a few years ago before Ryan was born and it said that some day he may have a brother or sister to share it with but it was her favorite book from when she was little - it was copyrighted 1959! After we finished the three Christmas books we read a handful of our other normal nighttime books and off to bed they went. It was a great start to our Advent calendar and the boys were already talking this morning about opening door number 2 tonight! (tonight is Ryan's turn to open the door)
Here are some pictures from the night - we had lots of favorites!

Opening the Door and waiting on the popcorn with Dad

Bear Stays Up for Christmas

Getting cozy and The Day Daddy Stayed Home


Mojavi said...

where did you get your calendar?

the mcdowells said...

It's actually from Michael's... It was $4.99 and the only one they had. One door was broken but a bit of super glue and it was all better :) I wanted something simple and cheap and this seemed to fit the bill!