Thursday, December 9, 2010

16 days until Christmas

WOW, is this month flying by or what? We're on our NINTH night of our Christmas Countdown already. Again (of course), it was a busy night for the McDowell's. I had a late conference call at work so got the boys picked up later than usual. When we got home I had to hurry to get dinner ready so Russ and Reid could head off to hockey practice. We did our calendar when Reid got home. Our activity was to "Make Rice Krispy Treats." The boys did great and they can really "help" more this year than they have before. Reid measured out the four cups of mini marshmallows without any help and I helped Ryan measure out the six cups of Rice Krispies. Reid and I stirred the ingredients on the stove and then both boys helped push the treats into the pan with the wax paper. As soon as we finished cooking we had to go watch Survivor! It was a later than usual night for the boys (9:00) but we're sticking with it!

And of course a few pictures...

I hadn't shown it this year yet... here is our famous calendar that we got two years ago and the boys helped us paint then and we've been using since...
It was Ryan's night to open the door...
And of course they ALWAYS act crazy when they read what's on the paper. This year we have been joking around with Ryan when it comes out. One night we told him that it said "spankings" so last night when he pulled the slip out he yelled "Spankings!"
And here's Reid helping me stir the butter and marshmallows and giving me one of his signature crazy poses. See the scratch under his nose - apparently he took a true nose dive at recess... OUCH!

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