Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lemonade, Lemonade... Ice Cold Lemonade

Monday night I picked Reid up from school and he was super talkative about his day. He got to have a pizza lunch with Mr O. (his principal) for the Lion Stampede pledges he solicited. He was excited that they could have seconds and thirds and they got lemonade. He went on and on about his day. As soon as we were pulling in the subdivsion he wanted to know if he could have a lemonade stand. I told him that he could and he hurried in the house to make a sign as soon as we got home. I didn't have any "lemonade" so I made a pitcher of Lemon Lime Kool-Aid and a grape one (Ryan's pick).

Reid's sign had a large lemon on it and he wrote "25 cents for half a cup, 50 cents for a whole cup."

As soon as the lemonade was made and we started setting up the table outside the boys had a swarm of customers. The boys had SOO much fun! Ryan even enjoyed himself with the stand and allowed me to take pictures of him.

The boys sold out really quickly, the neighborhood had a ton of fun. I believe that Reid ended up with $4.00 in his pockets when all was said and done (I can't verify because none of it actually made it home -see below). Shortly after we sold out, some kids across the street opened a snow cone stand. The picture below was the flock of neighborhood kids moving to the snow cone stand. (Reid in light blue shirt with back to camera).

Proud mom moment - Reid was running around gathering kids when the snow cone stand opened. He grabbed two of the younger girls on the street and told them that they needed to come get snow cones. He said "Hey, come and get snow cones, they are 25 cents. Here, take some quarters." He gave them money from his stand to go and get snow cones. Later he gave out more and more money to the neighborhood kids for the snow cone stands and refills. He ended up coming home with what he went outside with - empty pockets. AND... he didn't care one bit, they had so much fun!

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