Sunday, August 29, 2010

10 months old

Baby Ross Jacob is 10 months old...

Every week I get an update from a website that shows me what Ross should be doing developmentally. Here were some of the points from this week that certainly show what Ross has been doing:

* show a desire to please you as he becomes even more attached to you—the trust, love and connection between your baby and you are continuing to grow - absolutely, he's at this stage. He absolutely melts my heart when I go pick him up from daycare or come home from being gone for the day. He gets SUPER excited and bounces around to get picked up.
* resist being put to bed or left alone as her attachment to you grows - not everyday but he certainly has a growing attachment to his parents!
* use gibberish in a conversational way - O M G! This kid is talking like crazy. I have had several conversations that I can't get in lately because he's so busy talking in the background.
* go from lying to sitting without any help - he's been doing this for months now. Now he can actually go from lying to sitting to standing to being across the room into a cabinet he's not supposed to be in... in a few seconds tops!

Ross has developed one nasty habit that mom is definitely not a fan of. He has become the biggest daddy's boy I have ever seen. If Russ is in the room then Ross leans to go to him and gets so excited and slaps his neck, grabs his face, etc. If I get close to him and hold my hands out to him to come to me, he does not usually want to come :( Every now and then he will... but not usually. It's a nasty habit, one I'm trying hard to break!

Happy 10 months BRJ!

Oh yeah... edited to add: I KNOW that BRJ's pajamas don't match. He had two very similar pairs and I grabbed a top from one pair and a bottom from another pair. I forgot to take his picture on the 24th and then this was bedtime on the 25th and I knew I needed to get the picture taken (before he turned 11 months old) so I just took it in the mismatched jammies.

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