I didn't take a photo of Ross' letter since no one cares to see my handwriting. Ross doesn't really have anything that he wants so he's going to be happy with anything. Here's what he came up with:
Dear Santa,
I have tried to be good. I would like presents. Presents that have sparkly things in them. Could you pick out something cool for me? Charlie is making sure that I'm being good. I want a present.
What a difference a year makes!! Reid sat down very focused and hammered out his letter in no time. |
Dear Santa,
Have I ben good this year? Here are some things I want.
* Xbox kennect & games
* Halo 4
* Call of Duty Black Ops 2
* The hunger games book series
* The Hunger games movie
Thank you for the presents last year.
Ryan loves to write. He made the "you" on 'I Like you Santa' in his fancy writing. |
Dear Santa,
Charlie is hiding good. I like you Santa. I would like two baskets; one big and one small. One for all my markers. A case of markers too.
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