Monday, November 5, 2012

Baby Ross Jacob is 3

Rewinding a little bit here...

The week before we left for the marathon we had a big birthday in the house.  'Ross the Boss' turned three years old.  We had his well child check up on 10/15.  His measurements were:

* Height- 35 inches
* Weight - 30 pounds

The average 36-month old boy is about 37.7 inches tall, with a normal range of 34.5 to 40.5 inches.

The average 36-month-old boy is about 31.5 lbs., and ranges from 26.5 to about 38 lbs.

So... he falls within the normal range (BARELY) but he's far from normal :)  Poor Ross is just going to be one short little dude.  His classmates are all much taller than he is.

Heading into All Around Child on 10/24
We celebrated the big day in style (well, for a three year old)!  He took m&m cookies to school for snacks and we went to Chuck E Cheese when we got off work.  He was excited to go to Chuck E Cheese but he'd never been before.  Turns out that Wednesday nights are definitely the time to go.  The place was not busy at all which was nice because it allowed Russ and I to relax and just let the boys go play the games.  Ross had a blast (as did the other two boys).

Air Hockey - of course!
He didn't really have time for Chuck E, he was busy and un-phased.
Ryan really liked this basketball game
Shooting peanuts into the animals' mouths.
After they had played for a while and we'd eaten the greasy, overpriced pizza we let Ross open his presents from us.  We got him a Buzz Lightyear guy, an Angry birds game, and an iPhone case.

Buzz seemed to be a hit that night
When we got home he opened his gift from Grandma Linda & Grandpa Steve:

Yes, the GIFT was a soccer ball but the box made a great helmet
He also got a bunch of Sam books in the mail from Grandma Cella & Grandpa Jerry:

Receiving and reading a new Sam book
His buddy, Charlie, from down the street got him a Bugsby doll and book which he really likes:

Ross with Bigsby.  This was my lazy way of sending a thank you to his friend - a new app :)
The Cashier's got him a book with legos where you build a different animal as you read each page.  The first night I built the animals for him.  Last night he put the animals together by himself.  (no picture of it - darn it)

I think as far as three year old birthdays go, Ross had a pretty darn good one.  Still hard to believe that my BABY is potty trained and three but I'm sure the fun is just beginning.

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