Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, er Thursday Weigh In

Well... we missed weigh in yesterday because of another snow day at home. We all weighed in today and I did the worst :( Being at home is horrible for me! I snack, I crave, I cave... all of it. We had Chick Fil A yesterday for lunch, I ate girl scout cookies, popcorn, etc. It was horrible. AND I haven't ran since Saturday. I knew that results weren't going to be good for me. I gained 1 pound. (WEIGHT - 167.8) So back to the gym I went today at lunch. I got up this morning and did 90 minutes of P90X yoga and then I kicked my own butt at the gym today for lunch. I needed to do 4 miles which I knew was going to be boring so I did six 400m intervals at a 9:13 pace with 2 minute recoveries. Then I ran the 1.25 miles more to get me to 4 miles.

The Cheater: -1.30% (and she now officially weighs less than me, I am SO pissed at myself)
Mrs Consistent: even
Nancy Nazarene: even
Myself: +0.6%
The Lone Male: Home with his kids again today... he'll get back in it next week.

Nancy Nazarene is thinking about quitting. She says this just doesn't motivate her. I guess it doesn't work for everyone... but it does me! For one, they all know that I gained a pound this week, I had to pay $2, and the Cheater now weighs less than me... UGH. I worked out my frustration at the gym over lunch and I'm getting back on track!

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